This section allows you to enter the description of land. The compulsory data items are indicated by an * marked in red.
To create a record:
1. |
2. |
3. | Enter the Caveat No [T]. |
4. | Click on Add [B]. Repeat the previous steps to add more records. |
To view a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. The record will be displayed in the data entry screen for viewing. |
To update a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. |
3. | Make the necessary changes to the displayed record. |
4. | Select the check box of the record again. |
5. | Click on Update [B]. |
To delete a record:
1. |
2. | Click on Delete [B]. |
To refresh the screen:
1. |
Click on Refresh [B] to clear the data entries on the screen. |
If you selected Part in the Extent field, then PLOT/UNIT AND CHILD LOT DETAILS section must be filled in.
For Total Withdrawal of Registrar's Caveat (SCWR) form, you will not need to enter this section in most cases. However, if you wish to further describe properties on unregistered land affected by this instrument, you may do so.
To create a record:
1. |
2. | Click on Add [B]. Repeat the previous steps to add more records. |
To view a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. The record will be displayed in the data entry screen for viewing. |
To update a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. |
3. | Make the necessary changes to the displayed record. |
4. | Select the check box of the record again. |
5. | Click on Update [B]. |
To delete a record:
1. | ![]() Select the check box(es) of the record(s) to be deleted. |
2. | Click on Delete [B]. |
To refresh the screen:
1. |
Click on Refresh [B] to clear the data entries on the screen. |
Enter the Date of Withdrawal of Registrar's Caveat [T].
This is a compulsory data item as indicated by an * marked in red. However, if you are not in a position to enter the date at the time of preparation of the form, you may enter the date prior to submission for lodgment. You will be given a reminder message "Please ensure Date is entered before submission. Click [OK] to proceed or [Cancel] to enter now".
This section requires the name and designation of the party representing the caveator. The compulsory data items are indicated by an * marked in red.
Enter the Designation [T] and the Name [S]. The Execution clause will be generated automatically.
This optional section allows you to enter your case file reference or the CPF case file reference.
1. | Enter the Law firm case file reference [T] if necessary. |
2. | Enter the CPF case file reference [T] if necessary. |