This section allows you to enter the description of land. The compulsory data items are indicated by an * marked in red.
To create a record:
1. |
2. |
3. | Select the MK (Mukim) or TS (Town Subdivision) and enter the rest of the Lot No. [D, T]. |
4. | Enter the Address [S]. |
5. | Click on Add [B]. Repeat the previous steps to add more records. |
To view a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. The record will be displayed in the data entry screen for viewing. |
To update a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. |
3. | Make the necessary changes to the displayed record. |
4. | Select the check box of the record again. |
5. | Click on Update [B]. |
To delete a record:
1. |
2. | Click on Delete [B]. |
To refresh the screen:
1. |
Click on Refresh [B] to clear the data entries on the screen. |
If you selected Part in the Extent field, then PLOT/UNIT AND CHILD LOT DETAILS section must be filled in.
This section is compulsory if the Extent field is selected as Part in the DESCRIPTION OF LAND section.
To create a record:
1. |
2. | Click on Add [B]. Repeat the previous steps to add more records. |
To view a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. The record will be displayed in the data entry screen for viewing. |
To update a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. |
3. | Make the necessary changes to the displayed record. |
4. | Select the check box of the record again. |
5. | Click on Update [B]. |
To delete a record:
1. | ![]() Select the check box(es) of the record(s) to be deleted. |
2. | Click on Delete [B]. |
To refresh the screen:
1. |
Click on Refresh [B] to clear the data entries on the screen. |
This section allows you to enter the details of the above parties. The compulsory data items are indicated by the * marked in red.
To create a record:
1. | ![]() Enter the data. For example, ID/Co Regn No. [T], Name [S], Block/House No.[T], Street Name [T] and Postal Code [T]. |
2. |
To enter alias(es): You may enter the aliases in the text box provided. To add more Aliases, click on Add [B] and enter the name in the text box provided. Repeat the previous steps to add more records. You may enter up to 5 aliases. Empty alias fields will automatically be deleted when the screen is refreshed. |
3. |
To indicate legal disability: If you wish to indicate that a party is under a Legal Disability [D], you may select from the list provided. You may then enter the details of the representative and supporting documents in the text boxes provided. To add more representatives or supporting documents click on Add [B] next to the respective headers. You may add up to 5 records each. Click on Del [B] to remove any redundant rows. |
4. | Click on Add [B]. Repeat the previous steps to add more records. |
To view a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. The record will be displayed in the data entry screen for viewing. |
To update a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. |
3. | Make the necessary changes to the displayed record. |
4. | Select the check box of the record again. |
5. | Click on Update [B]. |
To delete a record:
1. |
2. | Click on Delete [B]. |
To refresh the screen:
1. |
Click on Refresh [B] to clear the data entries on the screen. |
Information entered in this section will be used for the generation of the EXECUTION BY TRANSFEROR and CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTNESS.
This section allows you to enter the details of the above parties. The compulsory data items are indicated by the * marked in red.
To create a record:
1. | ![]() Select either Transferee / Beneficiary [R] or Original Purchaser [R], select Capacity for Party [D] and enter the data. For example, ID/Co Regn No. [T], Name [S], Block/House No.[T], Street Name [T] and Postal Code [T]. |
2. |
To enter alias(es): You may enter the aliases in the text box provided. To add more Aliases, click on Add [B] and enter the name in the text box provided. Repeat the previous steps to add more records. You may enter up to 5 aliases. Empty alias fields will automatically be deleted when the screen is refreshed. |
3. |
To indicate legal disability: If you wish to indicate that a party is under a Legal Disability [D], you may select from the list provided. You may then enter the details of the representative and supporting documents in the text boxes provided. To add more representatives or supporting documents click on Add [B] next to the respective headers. You may add up to 5 records each. Click on Del [B] to remove any redundant rows. |
4. | Click on Add [B]. Repeat the previous steps to add more records. |
To view a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. The record will be displayed in the data entry screen for viewing. |
To update a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. |
3. | Make the necessary changes to the displayed record. |
4. | Select the check box of the record again. |
5. | Click on Update [B]. |
To delete a record:
1. |
2. | Click on Delete [B]. |
To refresh the screen:
1. |
Click on Refresh [B] to clear the data entries on the screen. |
There are two special remarks for this form. One for Transferee / Beneficiary (T) and one for Original Purchaser (OP).
The section allows you to enter the Manner of Holding of the Transferees. This section is dependent on the information entered in the TRANSFEROR and TRANSFEREE / BENEFICIARY / ORIGINAL PURCHASER sections.
You will need to specify if the transfer is in respect of Whole of Land.
1. |
2. |
If you have selected Yes, proceed to enter the Manner of Holding for the Transferee. |
3. |
If you have selected No, specify if the transferors are divesting their interest separately [R] or jointly [R].
4. |
5. |
For example, Gwendolyn Ho and George Ho are divesting as joint tenants of 1/3 share in land. In addition, Gwendolyn Ho is divesting party of another 1/3 share in land. As such, there are 2 divesting groups. Therefore, enter "2" in the Number of Divesting Groups [T]. Click on the command button next to it and enter the data as required. |
You will need to specify the Manner of Holding of the Transferee:
If it is a standard Manner of Holding, you can select from the drop down list provided. If you have selected Joint Tenants or Tenants in Common in Equal Shares, no further entries are required.
If you have selected Tenants in
Common in Unequal Shares for the Transferee Manner of Holding [D]:
Enter the Share in Land Acquired [T] against each Transferee.
If you have selected Others for the Transferee Manner of Holding [D]:
Enter the Number of Acquiring Groups [T]. The system will retrieve all the names entered in the Transferee's section and display them in as many groups as you have indicated. For each group, select the relevant party or parties and indicate the Share in Land Acquired [T].
For example, Felix Ling and Helen Ho are to acquire 1/2 share in land as joint tenants. In addition, Terrence Ho and Helen Ho are to acquire another 1/2 share in land as joint tenants. As such, there are 2 acquiring groups. Therefore, enter "2" in the Number of Acquiring Groups [T]. Click on the command button next to it and enter the data as required.
For certain cases, for example, there are more than one beneficiary, a free text box will be provided for you to enter the Manner of Holding:
This section allows you to enter the considerations made in the Transfer.
To create a record:
1. |
2. | You may enter Party Names [T] and Lot No [T] if you wish to enter the different units sold at different prices to various parties. |
3. | Click on Add [B]. Repeat the previous steps to add more records. |
To view a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. The record will be displayed in the data entry screen for viewing. |
To update a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. |
3. | Make the necesssary changes to the displayed record. |
4. | Select the check box of the record again. |
5. | Click on Update [B]. |
To delete a record:
1. |
2. | Click on Delete [B]. |
To refresh the screen:
1. |
Click on Refresh [B] to clear the data entries on the screen. |
When Other Consideration is selected:
1. | ![]() Enter data in the free text area as provided. |
This section allows you to enter the prior encumbrances. The text area is defaulted to Nil. You may change it if necessary.
This section allows you to enter the terms, covenants and conditions.
You may enter the Terms and Conditions [S] up to a maximum of 4000 characters including spaces (estimated to be about 500 words) in the text area provided. If the Terms and Conditions [S] requires more than 4000 characters (ie. slightly more than half-page), you will need to write it in a separate document.
If you have a document to attach to the form, select the check box for "Please see attached document".
Enter the Date of Instrument [T].
This is a compulsory data item as indicated by an * marked in red. However, if you are not in a position to enter the date at the time of preparation of the form, you may enter the date prior to submission for lodgment. You will be given a reminder message "Please ensure Date is entered before submission. Click [OK] to proceed or [Cancel] to enter now"
This section is dependent on the information entered in the TRANSFEROR section.
If there is only one transferor entered in previous section, you will be prompted:
1. |
Select the appropriate mode of execution. |
2. | Please proceed to fill data according to the radio button selected. Apart from the mode Others [R], the Execution Clause will be generated automatically. Please see Modes of Execution for details. |
If there are more than one transferor entered in previous section, you will be prompted:
Select Yes or No.
If you have selected Yes:
1. | Select the appropriate mode of execution. |
2. | Please proceed to fill data according to the radio button selected. Apart from the mode Others [R], the Execution Clause will be generated automatically. Please see Modes of Execution for details. |
If you have selected No:
For each transferor:
1. |
Select the appropriate mode of execution. |
2. | Please proceed to fill data according to the radio button selected. Apart from the mode Others [R], the Execution Clause will be generated automatically. Please see Modes of Execution for details. |
This section is dependent on the information entered in the TRANSFEREE / BENEFICIARY / ORIGINAL PURCHASER section.
If there is only one transferee/original purchaser entered in previous section, you will be prompted:
1. |
Select the appropriate mode of execution. |
2. | Please proceed to fill data according to the radio button selected. Apart from the mode Others [R], the Execution Clause will be generated automatically. Please see Modes of Execution for details. |
If there are more than one transferee / original purchaser entered in previous section, you will be prompted:
Select Yes or No. The example above shows the modes of execution that are available if Yes is selected and if No is selected.
For each transferee/original purchaser:
1. |
Select the appropriate mode of execution. |
2. | Please proceed to fill data according to the radio button selected. Apart from the mode Others [R], the Execution Clause will be generated automatically. Please see Modes of Execution for details. |
This section allows you to enter the Certificates pursuant to the requirements of the Residential Property Act and Land Titles Rules. You are only required to enter the name of the solicitor who is acting in the matter. You may prepare Certificate verifying ID/Passport No and Citizenship/Place of Incorporation, Certificates pursuant to the Residential Property Act, and Statutory Declarations pursuant to Clearance Certificate, in this section. This section is dependent on the information entered in the TRANSFEREE / BENEFICIARY / ORIGINAL PURCHASER section. The compulsory data items are indicated by the * marked in red.
For Certification of the ID/Passport No and Citizenship/Place of Incorporation of acquiring party, select the below:
For RPA Certification Pursuant to Registrar's Practice Circular 1 of 2006, select one of the below:
To create a record:
1. |
Click on Citizenship/ID/Place of Incorporation/Company Registration No. Certification [C]. If NOT Residential Property [R] or NOT Landed Dwelling House
[R] is selected, you will be prompted: If Statutory Declaration [R] is selected, you may attach Statutory Declaration if necessary. If Others [R] is selected, you may enter Others
as appropriate. |
2. |
If there are more than one original purchaser entered in the previous section, you will be prompted: If there are more than one transferee/beneficiary entered in the previous section, you will be prompted: For each party type, select Yes or No to the question above. The example above shows that for original purchaser, all parties are not acted by the same solicitor. Therefore, the system will retrieve all the names of the original purchaser entered in TRANSFEREE / BENEFICIARY / ORIGINAL PURCHASER section for selection. Click on the names [C] and enter the Name of Solicitor [S] to indicate which parties the solicitor represents. However, for transferee/beneficiary, all parties are acted by the same solicitor and so it is not required for the system to retrieve all the names of the transferee/beneficiary entered in TRANSFEREE / BENEFICIARY / ORIGINAL PURCHASER section for selection. |
3. | Click on Add [B] for each party type. Repeat the previous steps to add more records. |
For each party type, to view a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. The record will be displayed in the data entry screen for viewing. |
For each party type, to update a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. |
3. | Make the necessary changes to the displayed record. |
4. | Select the check box of the record again. |
5. | Click on Update [B]. |
For each party type, to delete a record:
1. |
2. | Click on Delete [B]. |
For each party type, to refresh the screen:
1. |
Click on Refresh [B] to clear the data entries on the screen. |
To attach Statutory Declaration:
For each party type, if the parties has been given a Clearance Certificate to purchase the property, you may use one of the following templates to prepare Statutory Declaration. It is recommended that you add all solicitors and their RPA certification before preparing Statutory Declaration.
To use any of the form templates, just click on the respective hyperlinks.
The example above shows form template for Singapore Society. You can enter the relevant information in the template as you would in a Word Document and save it into your local PC under a filename of your choice.
To add the filepath of the document:
1. | Enter the Description of Document for Statutory
Declaration [T] and the Filepath for the abovementioned attached
document [T].
2. | Click on Add [B]. Repeat the previous steps to add more records. |
To delete the filepath of the document:
1. | ![]() Select the check box(es) of the record(s) to be deleted. |
2. | Click on Delete [B]. |
When Others [R] is selected, no certificates will be generated automatically. You will be required to type the Certificates pursuant the requirements of the Residential Property Act and Land Titles Rules in the correct format. You may enter the Certificates details [S] up to a maximum of 4000 characters including spaces (estimated to be about 500 words) in each of the content box provided.
This section allows you to enter the Certificate For Trust Created Prior to 1973. This section is dependent on the information entered in the TRANSFEREE / BENEFICIARY / ORIGINAL PURCHASER section. You may prepare this certificate only if you have entered one or more trustee for Transferee in the TRANSFEREE / BENEFICIARY / ORIGINAL PURCHASER section. The compulsory data items are indicated by the * marked in red. You may select Standard Clause whereby you need to state the Name of Solicitor, Instrument No. or Deed No. and Date of Instrument/Deed to be included in the clause. If Standard Clause is not applicable, you may select Other Clauses by which you can create the clause freely.
Select Standard Clause [R] or Other Clauses [R].
If Standard Clause [R] is selected,
To create a record:
1. |
![]() Select Instrument No [R] or Deed No [R]. If Instrument No [R] is selected, enter the instrument no. If Deed No [R] is selected, enter the Deed Vol. No. |
2. | Enter the Date of Instrument/Deed [T]. |
3. | Click on Add [B]. Repeat the previous steps to add more records. |
4. | Enter the Name of Solicitor [T] for the standard clause. |
To view a record:
1. |
![]() ![]() Select the check box of the record to be viewed. |
2. | Click on View [B]. The record will be displayed in the data entry screen for viewing. |
To update a record:
1. |
![]() ![]() Select the check box of the record to be updated. |
2. | Click on View [B]. |
3. | Make the necesssary changes to the displayed record. |
4. | Select the check box of the record again. |
5. | Click on Update [B]. |
To delete a record:
1. |
![]() ![]() Select the check box of the record to be deleted. |
2. | Click on Delete [B]. |
To refresh the screen:
1. | Click on Refresh [B] to clear the data entries on the screen. |
If Other Clauses [R] is selected, a free text box will be provided. Enter as appropriate.
This section allows you to enter the similar interest confirmation. The compulsory data items are indicated by the * marked in red.
To create a record:
1. |
For example, you are the solicitor acting for all the Transferees, then you may enter the party type "Transferee". However if you are not acting for all Transferees, then you should specify the party name as in the above example. These are all the information you need to enter. The Similar Interest Confirmation will be generated automatically. |
2. | Select the appropriate mode of execution. |
3. | Proceed to fill data accordingly to the radio button selected. Apart from the mode Others [R], the Similar Interest Confirmation will be generated automatically. If you have selected Others [R], you will be required to type the Similar Interest Confirmation in full. Please see Modes of Execution for Similar Interest Confirmation for details. |
4. | Click on Add [B]. Repeat the previous steps to add more records. |
To view a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. The record will be displayed in the data entry screen for viewing. |
To update a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. |
3. | Make the necessary changes to the displayed record. |
4. | Select the check box of the record again. |
5. | Click on Update [B]. |
To delete a record:
1. |
2. | Click on Delete [B]. |
To refresh the screen:
1. |
Click on Refresh [B] to clear the data entries on the screen. |
This section allows you to enter the Certificate pursuant to Part IV/IVB of the Housing and Development Act. If the property is sold under Part IV/IVB (residential flat), then this certificate must be prepared. The compulsory data items are indicated by an * marked in red.
1. | Enter Name [T], Designation [T] and select Provisions [D]. Certificate will not be printed if no data has been entered. |
This section is dependent on the information entered in the TRANSFEROR and TRANSFEREE / BENEFICIARY / ORIGINAL PURCHASER sections.
If there is only one party entered in previous sections, you will be prompted:
1. |
Select the appropriate mode of execution. |
2. | Please proceed to fill data according to the radio button selected. Apart from the mode Others [R], the Certificate of Correctness will be generated automatically. Please see Modes of Execution for Certificate of Correctness for details. |
If there are more than one party entered in previous section, you will be prompted:
Select Yes or No. The example above shows the mode of execution that are available if Yes is selected and if No is selected.
For each party:
1. |
Select the appropriate mode of execution. |
2. | Please proceed to fill data according to the radio button selected. Apart from the mode Others [R], the Certificate of Correctness will be generated automatically. Please see Modes of Execution for Certificate of Correctness for details. |
This section allows you to enter the consent of parties with prior interest. The compulsory data items are indicated by the * marked in red.
To create a record:
1. |
![]() Select the checkbox beside Standard Clause and/or Other Clauses. |
2. |
If Standard Clause is selected,
3. | If Other Clauses is selected,
4. | Select the appropriate mode of execution. |
5. | Proceed to fill data accordingly to the radio button selected. Apart from the mode Others [R], the consent will be generated automatically. If you have selected Others [R], you will be required to type the consent in full. Please see Modes of Execution for Consent for details. |
6. | Click on Add [B]. Repeat the previous steps to add more records. |
To view a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. The record will be displayed in the data entry screen for viewing. |
To update a record:
1. |
2. | Click on View [B]. |
3. | Make the necessary changes to the displayed record. |
4. | Select the check box of the record again. |
5. | Click on Update [B]. |
To delete a record:
1. |
2. | Click on Delete [B]. |
To refresh the screen:
1. |
Click on Refresh [B] to clear the data entries on the screen. |
This section allows you to enter your case file reference, CPF case file reference,
Buyer's Stamp Duty Certificate reference and Seller's Stamp Duty reference. It is mandatory to enter the Seller's Stamp Duty Certificate reference.
The compulsory data items are indicated by the * marked in red.
1. | Enter the Law firm case file reference [T] if necessary. |
2. | Enter the CPF case file reference [T] if necessary. |
3. | Enter the Buyer's Stamp Duty Certificate reference[T] . |
4. | Enter the Seller's Stamp Duty Certificate reference[T] if necessary. |
Buyer's Stamp Duty Certificate reference
To create a record:
1. |
2. | Click on Add [B]. Repeat the previous step to add more records. |
To delete a record:
1. |
2. | Click on Delete [B]. |
Seller's Stamp Duty Certificate reference
To create a record:
1. |
2. | Click on Add [B]. Repeat the previous step to add more records. |
To delete a record:
1. |
2. | Click on Delete [B]. |