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Singapore Satellite Positioning Reference Network

Plane Coordinate System - SVY21

Coordinate systems allows for common locations to be integrated into geographic datasets. The most commonly used coordinate system today is the latitude, longitude and height system in which the Equator(which lies halfway between the poles) and the Prime Meridian(a line through Greenwich) are reference lines used to measure latitude and longitude.

Projected coordinate systems and geodetic data are needed due to the Earth’s imperfect ellipsoid. Localised datums(such as SVY21 in Singapore’s case) can provide a more accurate representation of the area of than the global WGS 84 datum.

The coordinate systems map the Earth’s spherical surface onto a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate plane. Thus, projected coordinate systems are referred to as map projections.


The plane coordinate system is based on the Transverse Mercator projection from geographical coordinates referenced to the WGS 84 ellipsoid.

Origin of Projection

The origin of projection is an unmarked point having the following geographical coordinates referenced to the WGS84 ellipsoid.

Longitude 103° 50' 00
Latitude 1° 22' 00"
False Origin ( Easting ) 28001.642 m
False Origin ( Northing ) 38744.572 m
Scale Factor at Central Meridian 1.00000000
Reference Spheroid

The reference spheroid is the WGS 84 ellipsoid with the following definition:

Semi-major axis 6378137.0000 m
Semi-minor axis 6356752.3142 m
Flattening 1/298.257223563
Eccentricity 0.081819191
SVY 21 Datum

"SVY 21" is a geodetic coordinate datum based on the WGS84 ellipsoid and a reference point known as BASE7 (located at Pillar 7 Pierce Reservoir) with values fixed at:

Longitude 103° 49' 31.975227"
Latitude 1° 22' 02.915414"
Ellipsoidal height 26.824 m
Reduced level (PLD) 17.113 m
Geoidal Undulation 9.711 m
Projection Transverse Mercator
Projection Origin (Unmarked point) Longitude: 103° 50' 00''
Latitude: 1' 22'00''
False Coordinates of Projection Origin Easting: 2800164mE
Northing: 38744572mN


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please use our online form.


Technical Support:

For technical enquiries,
please call: +65 6356 6546

Operating Hours:

Mondays - Fridays: 9am - 5pm