SiReNT Companion App
In this page you will be able to find out how SiReNT Companion App can help you in your daily work. Download the app for Android OS here and for Apple OS here.
Planned Maintenance Notification
SiReNT Companion App allows you to receive notification messages about planned maintenance, wherever, whenever. There’s no longer a need to constantly visit our website for updates, we heard your need for constant updates on the go and we have delivered.
Subscription Details
SiReNT Companion App allows you to view your latest monthly billing and subscription expiry date. You can now manage your account with ease.
IP and Port Disruption Management
SiReNT Companion App allows you to receive notification messages about IP and Port availability in the event of disruption of services by telecom service providers. The app also provides alternative IPs and Ports in such events.
Locate Reference Stations
SiReNT Companion App allows you to locate the nearest reference station and select them for accurate Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) usage.
Environment Conditions
SiReNT Companion App also provides real time information about environment, weather and air quality conditions to help you operate safely and comfortably.